A true epic collaboration between two passionate people. BHP is an expert guitarist and when he posted his first PS cover, I knew we had an epic on our hands, waiting to emerge.
Why this theme? Because Wren is fkn metal. This theme proves it.
It is also my departure from good ol Windows Movie Maker: I will be doing my videos with Canva from now on.
My first true collaboration: Around 2015 I wanted to re-do “Journey on Alisa 3” but I shelved the project until my friend Verdegrand manifested his interest.
Innocent Land was my first official request from a fan.
It’s a remix of “Laya’s world”, and “Laya’s temple” that aims at combining somber and hopeful melodies without relying on the “Generations of Doom” theme too heavily.
A Promise Forever is a nice little project that came out of nowhere after someone mentioned how it would be nice to have PSIV’s ending done as a remix.
It turned out to be very easy to do and this melancholic and emotional remix took very little time to piece together!
I wrapped this one up in just about a single week-end. I just felt it had to come out.
A very nostalgic mix of electronic samples and instruments, it combines three of PSII’s most powerful themes, two of those which have been rarely remixed before this piece was made!