Aeroprism’s Phantasy Star Remixes

To download a remix, click its title. On the resulting page, find the download button on the top right.

Metal Cyborg     (2024) Feat: BHP

A true epic collaboration between two passionate people. BHP is an expert guitarist and when he posted his first PS cover, I knew we had an epic on our hands, waiting to emerge. 

Why this theme?  Because Wren is fkn metal. This theme proves it.

It is also my departure from good ol Windows Movie Maker: I will be doing my videos with Canva from now on. 

A date in the Stars     (2024)

Another request. It was wagered that I could never do anything with just the 16 seconds loop that is “Satellite” from PS3.

I decided to take the challenge and to give my all new orchestral tools a run.

The result is lovely. Like Gwyn.

Lost Runway     (2024)

A request from my friend Lala.

It’s Skure’s theme, but with a chilly vibe that progressively becomes  sexy Synthwave. 

Enjoy your 80s.


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Battle of the Ages     (2023)

Just a crazy idea I had: put together all battle themes from PS 1 to 4.

Took a lot of time and effort but it worked. 

Daaamn did it work.


One Last Time    (2023)

Phantasy Star IV is turning 30 this year.

I couldn’t let that be unnoticed.

This is my tribute and it’s probably my best remix yet.

Those last two minutes… wow.

Darkness Falls     (2023)

The bad boy of Phantasy Star remixes, Darkness Falls is my attempt at making PSIV’s Zio and Profound Darkness themes play together.

Without killing each other.

I’ll let you be the judge.

Lullaby for Rhys     (2023)

My first true collaboration: Around 2015 I wanted to re-do “Journey on Alisa 3” but I shelved the project until my friend Verdegrand manifested his interest.

The rest is legend.

This is a remix of my very own “A Promise Forever”, made by my musical partner in crime: Neko

More dramatic, more grandiose, more eloquent: It’s glorious. 

Dreaming in Cryosleep     (2022)

Dreaming in Cryosleep is a remix dedicated to the Lutz character in all its incarnations. 

It is  a mix of sad and reflexive melodies as I tried to invoke the tragedy of Lutz’s perpetual sacrifice.

Innocent Land     (2022)

Innocent Land was my first official request from a fan. 

It’s a remix of “Laya’s world”, and “Laya’s temple” that aims at combining somber and hopeful melodies without relying on the “Generations of Doom” theme too heavily.

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Alisian Ballroom     (2022)

Alisian Ballroom started off as a simple project to put together a few of PSIII’s waltzes and do something orchestral and cute.

Then a Motavian and a Disney prince got in the way and it all went downhill from there. And everyone was happy ever after. 

Except Rhys.

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Access Denied is a high-energy remix of PSII’s “Under” (Last dungeon theme) and PSI’s “Medusa Tower/PSI Arrangement 1”

It started off as an attempt to make a very mellow trance version of “Under” but well, things got out of hand. Fast.

A Promise Forever is a nice little project that came out of nowhere after someone mentioned how it would be nice to have PSIV’s ending done as a remix.

It turned out to be very easy to do and this melancholic and emotional remix took very little time to piece together!

Melody of Doom  (2017)

Ah yes. That one.

You know how we all do things and sometimes, the result isn’t what we really wanted.


This remix had good intentions but it’s too crowded with noise, useless parts and let’s be honest, DF3’s theme is just annoying to remix.

Orakian Anger  (2015)

This one rocks.  

This is one of my best works yet. Full of energy, this remix is the one where I went all out and decided to add my own melodies and parts to a song.

I can’t get enough of this remix. It’s just amazing on so many levels!

Before the End    (2014)

The  sad remix.

I wrapped this one up in just about a single week-end. I just felt it had to come out.

A very nostalgic mix of electronic samples and instruments, it combines three of PSII’s most powerful themes, two of those which have been rarely remixed before this piece was made!

My first real venture into PSIV’s soundtrack. 

This was a request from someone who wanted to use it in a fan game but it unfortunately never happened. 

Combining mostly symphonic instruments, choirs and a bit of electro, this is a reflective and powerful remix.

This is a remix of PS3’s town theme, adapted as a love song to my favorite PS3 character: Gwyn

Quite lovely (Just like Gwyn), it is a very simple theme of soft and poised instruments. 

It spans three distinct parts, the last part features a beautiful harpsichord  that is quite representative of PSIII.

Deadly Mota   (2011)

The prodigy. The supreme child of my creative mind.

Deadly Mota was my love letter to PSII. To this day, it remains in my top three remixes. 

Powerful, fast, energetic, it features no less than five themes  that spend seven epic minutes just playing musical tag with each other.

I really, really love this remix!

Death Trance  (2010)

Who doesn’t love PS2’s boss theme?  Only sad people.

This is why we all love this epic, energetic rendition of it, with it’s agressive progression, it’s loud choirs and crazy beats.

There is only one way to fight Neifirst, Dark Force and Mother Brain, and it’s while listening to this remix.

This was published in 2009 but I actually finished writing it in 2006.

It was my first attempt at PS3’s overworld theme, which is my single favorite video game song, ever.

In 2012,  I have attempted an overhaul of this mix  but to this day, I am still not satisfied with the result.

Smells like a future remix project?


This song was used in Eugene Kkhutoryansky’s fantastic video .  Seriously, if you like physics, check his channel out. 

Very simple and faithful to the original intent of the song, this was my second remix and to this date, remains very popular. 

Rise and Triumph  (2004)

This is where it all began: my very first Phantasy Star remix. 

Looking back, it’s not that exciting and I was still learning, but it’s part of my history and it’s worth a few good listens!

It also holds the dubious honor of having been refused on OC-Remix. I have never bothered to submit anything there after that.